Last week, we posted about the widely anticipated Chanel markdowns. This week we bring you a full selection of bags that and jewelry that are currently 30% off at department stores. The selection below was curated from Bloomingdales, Saks 5th Avenue and Bergodof Goodman. We have also been told that Neiman Marcus has a large assortment of Chanel bags on markdown.
Don’t be too shy to call around if your local department store doesn’t have the item you desire. We always suggest starting with less popular department stores. Personally, we’ve always had good luck shopping remotely with the Saks and Neiman Marcus at the Galleria in Houston, TX, the Saks in Desert Palm, CA and the Neiman Marcus in Scottsdale, AZ.
Don’t let anyone tell you that Chanel bags don’t go on sale. We have proof. Happy Saleing!