There are so many sample sales scheduled that shopping starts to feel like a big decision rather than a leisurely activity. To help you sort through the madness, we put together a list of this week’s sales that we think are worthy of your holiday season effort. Let us know if you think we missed anything spectacular.
Lalique, Di Modolo and VBH
Saturday, December 7th through Wednesday, December 11th
Sat-Tue 9:00am to 6:30pm, Wed 9:00am to 5:00pm
Soiffer Haskin, 317 West 33rd Street
Details: Right now Soffer Haskin is hosting a sale consisting of three luxury brands. The most fashionable happens to be, VBH. All the bags made by the luxury brand are hand hand-sewn by highly skilled artisans in Florence, Italy. The styling is modern but the quality is classic. The sale includes a variety of bags including lots of exotic skins. Prices are broken down by sticker code and range from 50% to 70% off retail. There are only two more days of the sale. Be on the look out for price reductions, which are always a welcome.
Tuesday, December 10 through Friday, December 13
Tues though Thurs 10am-7pm, Fri 10am-1pm
225 Fifth Ave. (bet. 26th & 27th St.)
Details: Fashionable men take note: This Isaia sale is the perfect place to up your look. The sale includes Italian made suits, sports coats, shirts, ties, trousers and accessories. Prices run from 50% to 75% off retail. Real deal seekers should wait until the end of the sale to load up. Last season, our spies purchased an $11,000 cashmere coat for about $2000. Now that’s a sale even a man can love.
Jason Wu
Sunday, December 15th through Tuesday, December 17
Sun 1pm~6pm, Mon & Tues 10am-7pm
225 Fifth Ave. (bet. 26th & 27th St.)
Details: This will be the first large-scale Jason Wu sale. The sale will feature women’s clouting and accessories. Beyond that, it’s all a mystery but we will be sure to report from the front lines.