The handbag market has reached a tipping point where $3000 bags have become a bore. The newest status luxury item is outerwear but the best part is that prices are still quite affordable.
Those living in cold weather climates wear heavy coats and jackets for almost five months straight. Now more than ever, fashion customers are demanding items that provide performance as well as fashion. Moncler and Canada Goose have heard the cries of consumers and grown exponentially.
More designers are beginning to take note and are enticing woman with a variety of colorful and dramatic winter jackets spanning from Balenciaga’s oversized quilted shell to Perfect Moment’s retro designs. Some big hits of the season include, Stella McCartney’s oversized denim jacket, Fendi‘s monster collection and Dsquared2 who has introduced a full assortment of ski items including, boots, pants and accessories.
If you are entranced by Perfect Moment’s form and function, you should shop around. We found that Matchesfashion retails the brand for about 30% less than NetAPorter. This red, white and blue jacket is $311 on Matches but $420 on NAP. Ski pants are $400 on NAP and just $300 on Matches.
See! It always pays to shop around.