The Chanel markdown officially begins on Tuesday and we have tons of stock lists, pictures and prices to guide you along your double-C discount shopping adventure. Prices on clothing and shoes are generally 40% off while bags are 30% off. And in the case you find yourself in the presence of a sales associate who insists Chanel bags never goes on sale– you can show off these pictures!!!
Don’t be too shy to call around if your local department store doesn’t have the item you desire. We always suggest starting with less popular department stores. Personally, we’ve always had good luck shopping remotely with the Saks and Neiman Marcus at the Galleria in Houston, TX, the Saks in Desert Palm, CA and the Neiman Marcus in Scottsdale, AZ.
You can see a full catalogue of more than 50 sale items on our photo stream right this way.
Saks Fifth Avenue Jonathan 770-331-9600
Bergdorf Goodman Omitted
Bloomingdales Ricky 917-517-0077