Most department stores have already had their discounted handbags annihilated. We’ve been keeping a keen eye on Neiman Marcus as they have been slowly discounting select bags. Today we were sorting through the assortment and were surprised that bags were reduced to sample sale-like discounts.
Head this way and feast your eyes on Tom Ford, The Row and Christian Louboutin handbags that are discounted 70%. Right here is a Louboutin Sweet Charity bag that comes to $645 from $2150 and this fringed leopard Charity is just over $500 from $1700. Heading over to the Tom Ford goodies, there is a leather camera case reduced to $507 from almost $1700 and this Chain-Strap small cross body is $600 from $1990.
Among the other great finds are The Row’s classic hobo is $765 from $2550 and a Brunello Cucinelli pochette is $565 from $1885, this Prada lipstick print bag is $720 from $2400 and an Alexander McQueen skull clutch is $750 from $2500.
For some reason, you can’t find these great discounts just from sorting by discount. This is the perfect opportunity to brush up on those math skills and start calculating those discounts.