Discounts on men’s merchandise usually happen a little bit later than women’s designer markdowns. So be the day has come for Mr. Porter to give men the discounts they desire. The savings are up to 50% off and the best part is many items easily translate flawlessly into a women’s closet.
Over this way, we spotted Common Projects sneakers that start at a size 39 for $255 from $425, this Givenchy sweater is $540 from $900, a sweater from Stone Island is $234 from $335, and a cashmere sweater from The Row is $766 from $1100. This Loewe messenger bag is a showstopper for anyone at $930 from $1550, John Lobb shoes are $553 from $790 and this Thom Brown velvet blazer is $1074 from $1800.
In a society where women fight for equality, it’s nice to know we can double our fashion options just by searching through the men’s department. It might even make you more fashionable.