We have noticed that a few retailers have initiated early discount promotions. The savings might not be large but the incentives are good at driving early season savings. The downside is that most of these shopping promotions exclude major designers.
It only was a matter of time until we hit the designer jackpot. European luxury emporium, LN-CC is actually focusing on just the items we really want. We received a code that will allow you to save 15% off on a top selection of merchandise. Just use this link and the code special15ln at checkout to engage the savings.
You must use this link to view the eligible items. We are most excited by the bag selection. You can save nearly $450 off this Gucci leather shoulder bag, about $300 off this see-through Fendi shopper to $260 off this Valentino Candystud bag.
Among the other eligible items are thes include these classic Gucci loafers and this oversized Gucci belt. Don’t miss the Moncler-Palm Angles collaboration items and these Gucci tees.
The code will be active until September 23 and LN-CC offers free shipping and free returns on most purchasers.