Lana Marks is discounting her very finely made exotic skin bags by 50% to 60% off. The sale started earlier this month and will run until the end of this week. We are told that the discount depends on the color more than the style. Beige, brown, and black colored bags are mostly marked 50% off. More vibrant colors bags like red, blue and gray are 60% off.
Buyer beware, Lana Marks may not be as expensive as an exotic Hermes bag but that doesn’t mean the goods wont cause ticker shock. Totes normally range in price from $12,000 to $25,000 and the famous Lana Marks clutch is priced between $6,000 to $9,000.
Just know that the large ticker price does provide high quality. Lana Marks uses AAA quality skins– the highest quality rating. We are told that it’s actually the same quality as Hermes. In contrast, exotic handbag maker Nancy Gonzalez’s handbags are much more affordable because her skins may contain flaws. It’s like a diamond da’rling.
Lana Marks bags are also sold in Bergdorf Goodman and once in a while, at the end of the season, you can find super reduced leftover. Keep your eyes open because great quality should never be compromised.
Contact: Shawn 212-355-6135