Christian Louboutin employees have posted their famous sample sale decoy notice but upstairs there is a flurry of VIP sample sale shopping. The invite-only sample sale started yesterday by appointment. Most of the invitees include a close clique of fashion journalists and bloggers with a sprinkle of leggy models.
Our spies infiltrated the sale today to find an abundance of discounted red soles from which to choose. This season, there are even more basic shoes as an alternative to the fantastical styles that usually dominate the sale. There is also a good assortment of boots and booties. For the first time, the sale also includes a large amount of men’s Louboutins. As a matter of fact, the men’s selection is so good that women are sizing down and purchasing the shoes for themselves.
Sample sale prices are holding steady and run the same as they have the past prior years. Most styles range in price from $250 to $500. The men’s smoking slippers range in price from about $300 to $400 depending on the detail. There are some more expensive crystallized sparkle shoes but they are mixed in with the rest of the shoe population. The handbag selection is already running very low. We expect that there will be none left by mid-day Wednesday.
As you can expect, shoppers are buying in bulk. Our insider noticed that almost every shopper ended up with at least ten pairs of shoes each. That is not good news for those planning on shopping the sale later this week. It might help that tomorrow shoppers will only be given a limited amount of time to shop. Today given as much time as they needed and the process was very, very slow. Perhaps, timing the shopping experience will speed up the notorious line and limit the hoarding.
If you’re considering door-busting this sale, we suggest that you use your best technique starting Wednesday. The invite says that the three day sale is for press but it’s really friends and family. (All the press were scheduled to shop Monday and Tuesday.) Be forewarned there are also three layers of clip-boards: one in the lobby, another at the elevator and a third in the showroom. Also, take note the +1 has been eliminated. So, be sure to have a good story and prey for good weather. We have a feeling the line will be very, very long.
Stay tuned we will be posting more intel and photos as the week progresses!
Christian Louboutin Sample Sale
Monday, November 4 through Friday, November 8
306 W. 38th St. (bet. 8th & 9th Ave.)