The presale at Gucci started today. Although the store is taking presale orders you you will not be able to take your purchases home until December 4. Those buying online will will have to wait until that date to have your order shipped.
If you’re shopping online, you can use this Gucci private sale link. Clothing, shoes and sunglasses are discounted 50% off. Bags are discounted 30% off. Most of the sale handbags are styles with the Gucci logo. One standout exception is the Emily Chain Shoulder bag, which is $1819 from $2600. If you’re in need of a tall riding boot we especially like the Eleonora, which is $649 from almost $1300. Take a look at this check flannel dress that’s $1097 from $2150 and this floral degrade dress is s is $1279 and $2550.