During the winter, you can go through a pair of gloves a week. You’re in a cab, gloves come off to pay and voila, they are forgotten and abandoned. Sometimes lefty is gone, other times it’s righty. Either way, it’s a huge fashion loss.
Over the years, I’ve tried tracking expensive leather gloves, tiny $1 gloves and huge ski gloves and I even purchased those clips that kids use to attach their gloves to their coats. Would you believe the whole clip fell off with the glove? I’ve come to realize that it’s best to settle for something more moderate.
We recently saw these wonderful texting gloves at Saks for $65 and knew they would be perfect. They allow you to easily use your mobile device and are small enough to fit in your pockets. No more forgetting about the gloves on your lap! What’s even more cool is that the flaps can be turned up to protect pointer and thumbkin on the coldest of days.
I’m just hoping that I can hold on to them through the New Year. As you can see, im setting my expectations low!
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