Forget about Tiffany’s Table Manner’s for Teenagers. It’s dated and, well, you’re not going to learn how to hold a spoon from a book. If you really want to share important life lessons you must buy handbag designer, Lulu Guinness’s Put on Your Pearls Girls .
The pop-up book is filled with inspiring life lessons like, “Beauty comes from the heart-not a jar” or “When you dress to kill it’s your feet that are the first to feel the pain.” Two of our favorite words of advice are, “Sometimes the best accessory is a well dressed man” and “Never be the last to leave a party.”
The illustrations are adorable and the message is clear: fashion comes from within, not the things you wear. Can you imagine a more important lesson for a young (or older) stylista? We didn’t think so. Perfect for all girls from 4 to 400!
Available from for $20.90. Shipping is extra, but you didn’t need us to tell you that.