In a sea of bags priced over $2,000, Mansur Gavriel has become one of the most talked about brands in fashion. The Italian-crafted minimalistic bags have dominated the market partly because of their moderate prices, which range from about $500 to $700.
Like good wine or great coffee, the bags are produced in small batches. That means that there is always more demand than supply. We wouldn’t categorize the MG shopping experience as difficult but we loath the waitlist experience. What’s why we are giving you a heads up that Net-A-Porter has a selection of MG bags available now.
The inventory includes an assortment of styles including the popular tote and bucket bag in a variety of colors. Head this way to snag the popular black tote with the red interior ($585). Here’s a bucket bag style in Black/Ballerina inside combo ($595) or a Camel/ Rose combination. Other available colors include Sand and Emerald.
If you’re in the market, we suggest you snag one of these styles now. It will become increasingly more difficult to track down these MG bags as the holidays draw closer.