The duo behind Duckie Brown, Steven Cox and Daniel Silver, have a knack for attracting the cool guys. And you know where cool guys go, chic girls follow. Much of the collection was a combination of traditional plaids that were always mixed and never matched. All of the looks were worn with cropped pants. We loved the use of color especially as it was used in tweeds.
Duckie Brown Fall 2010
Who is the customer: Bavo’s Launch My Line, contestant and consummate dandy Patrick McDonald, Ugly Betty’s fashion loving kid brother, Mark Indelicato and a fashion forward Jeffery customer.
Why buy: You don’t work at Goldman and have you do have a knack for looking great.
What to buy: A cool combination of plaids
Bypass: Too much matching tweed
Contribution to fashion: Dressing up can be fun, exciting and lux. Daniel, Steven and the men who wear Duckie Brown are living proof.