Few sales are more fun than the Diane von Furstenberg sample sale. That is, unless you show up at the wrong time. Today we hit the sale later than usual and were welcomed by a double line of shoppers waiting to get in.
Once inside, dresses were flying, hangers were catching and women were crowding. It was not the ideal shopping situation. The line for the dressing room was over an hour. Insufferable. At least the prices were the same as last season’s sale:
Coats $350
Wraps and Vintage $250
Dresses $225
Cover Ups $100
Skirts $80
Blouses $80
Samples $50
Swim Suits: $50
Scarves $40
The samples, which can be found at the back left corner of the room, are always the best deal. It especially works if you fit into a DVF size 4.
The crowds should continue to thin out as the week progresses. Early afternoon is probably the best time to go. We may try again on Friday when prices are historically slashed. At the end of the last sale dresses were $70, wraps were $80 and skirts were $50. Keep your fingers crossed.
DVF Sample Sale
Tuesday, June 7 to Friday, June 11
Tues: 9am to 6:30, Wed: 10am to 8pm, Thurs. 10am to 7pm, Fri. 9am to 3pm
260 Fifth Avenue (b/w 28th and 29th)