A very wily reader directed our attention to a Christie’s home interiors auction, which contains various home furnishings. Buried between hundreds of tapestries and antique vases is lot #318, “A Group of 28 Assorted Leather Handbags.!
The purse collection includes, Chanel, Hermes, Bottega Veneta, Salvatore Ferragamo and various other designer bags. The estimate value is between $1000 and $1500 but we all know that even one Hermes Kelly is worth more than that even if the condition is questionable.
The handbag loot appears to be from a woman’s estate and she obviously had amazing taste. The following lot, #812 is from the same estate and consists of 43 Judith Lieber bags. It’s a wonder that that this woman’s daughters or daughters-in-law didn’t pounce on this pile.
The auction, Sale 2335, is scheduled to take place from August 31st to September 1st, in New York. (Just keep in mind that there is a 25% buyer’s premium plus tax.) You can be sure we will be watching the gavel closely!