Although it’s a bit late in the season to be shopping for cold weather fashion, we will always welcome Chanel when it’s on sale. Right now, the Bloomingdales on 59th Street has a small assortment of Chanel shoes reduced 50% off.
Among the sale items are thigh-high boots (no chains) reduced to about $1600 from $3275 and low boots with blue died pony hair are $1175 from $2350. There is also gray lace-up booties that are now $750 from $1500 and basic flats for $400 from $795. We suggest trying to snag some of these sale items with other timely promotions, which can bring down the price to create a significant deal.
Outside the Chanel selection these are lots of other past season shoes with significant markdowns. Black Fendi booties are $450 from $900, Prada flats fare $350 from $690 and Gucci pumps are $200 from $540. You can click on the jump page to see a pictures of our shoe scout.