Everyone loves a good mystery and Chanel has done an excellent job keeping customers waiting in suspense for its first markdown. Sales associates all over the city earnestly had no information about an impending sale. Many salespeople repeated the rumor that there would be absolutely no sale, anywhere, this season.
Technically speaking, Chanel boutiques will not host a markdown this season. Shoppers with experience know that a Chanel markdown would occur at some point, and we have officially reached that point.
Madison Avenue Spy has received early information that Bergdorf Goodman will quietly host a private presale on Chanel shoes starting this FRIDAY morning. This presale is invitation only and will begin before the store opens to the general public. The discount will be 30% off retail.
The official list of what’s included in the markdown will not be available until Monday morning. Obviously, we wouldn’t allow Bergdorfs to withhold such valuable information. We enlisted the expertise of the most experienced Chanel sale associates and put together a picture library of what we expect to be included in the markdown. You can click here to see pictures of what we anticipate to be on sale based on inventory levels, customer feedback, and seasonality. We also expect that Bergdorfs will pull past season merchandise onto the sales floor too.
Naturally, our investigation didn’t end at Bergdorfs. Our spies at Bloomingdale’s say that they haven’t received any directives from Chanel but they do have a closet of past season’s shoes that will be included when their markdown happen. You can click here to see. The discounts on these shoes are 60%.
Our senior manager contact Barneys says she is baffled over the Chanel mystery. She even questioned if there would be a sale at all. (We know the answer.) The story was very similar at Saks. Salespeople insisted that all markdowns will be coordinated across all retail outlets. (Apparently not.)
For now, we look forward to FRIDAY morning at Bergdorf Goodman. Feel free to email our sales contact for an invitation. We apologize in advance, but we can’t promise that he will be able to accommodate everyone. This sale preview is for “serious shoppers only.”
Bloomingdales sale closet |