Bottega Veneta is hosting a private sale on bags where their best customers were identified and invited to shop discounted bags. The hitch is that you need to be “on the list” to get the bag promotion– or so they say. The discount is 30% off bags and 50% off clothing and shoes.
The private sale starts on Tuesday, May 25 and runs through Thursday. The sale opens to the public on Friday, but by then there are usually no bags. We are told that the following colors will be included in the markdown: Rosa Shock, Monalisa, New Chartreuse, Banane, Ciel and Flamingo. (You can click here to see photos of the boutique’s full stock list.)
If you’re having cooperation problems at your local Bottage boutique you can try your hand at a local department store. There is a small selection at Neiman Marcus online and Bergdorf Goodman.
At the boutique there are no charge sends, no transferring of merchandise and no holds. If you don’t find what you want at the store, we always suggest a call to the Woodbury outlet.
Mike 845-928-4563