Labor Day is done and it’s back to business. Back to school means a new shopping season. Before you start buying your Fall wardrobe we wanted to take a moment to review the top trends that are becoming as annoying as Despacito.
Below is a list of three fashion trends that have exceeded their expiration date. Not all of these fashions are a faux pas but you might want to make some modifications to the core fad before making any substantial investment.
Broad ruffled tops and dresses have become so big that it’s tempting to flick people in the face with their own flounce. The trend was cute when it was first seen on the runway but now it’s become a girl-uniform.
We suggest going against the tide and cutting all ties with ruffles. Go minimalistic. Opt for well tailored. Stand like a lady and set yourself apart from the girls.
Hearts skipped a beat when brightly colored fur combined with a military issue cargo jackets hit our photo stream. The twist of novelty and utility was unbelievably attractive. It was only a few short months until those $5000 fur jackets were tweaked into mini-kid versions. The trend went full on cheese-wiz, almost as quickly as it started. It’s time to park that parka!
This season, forget about the military combo and opt for an oversized bright fur. We especially love the versions from DVF, Prada and here is one from Asos for just $174.
We still can’t figure out how this trend started. Maybe it was leggings backlash? Perhaps it was conspiracy by the athleisure market?
We’ll never really know but can confidently say, it should never have happened. Sweatpants should be avoided by anyone outside of her teens.
Remember, if a Kardashians does it. You shouldn’t!