Ralph Lauren has started their first markdown of the season. Right now you can find select merchandise reduced 50% off.
Don’t be disappointed that there aren’t any high end fashion items for yourself. Instead, direct your attention towards the Denim & Supply collection. The fashion is urban casual and priced excellently. Take this hooded down jacket that’s now $130 from $185, this majorly on trend men’s styled herringbone coat that’s $220 from $300 and a denim shirt for $55 from $80.
For men, a tennis polo is $90 from $125 and a golf polo is $62 from $90. There’s also a nice selection for kids. A wool hooded toggle coat is $170 from $225 and this boy’s large pony polo is $27 from $40.
There is also a bit of housewares on markdown but there isn’t anything very eye catching. Ralphie really needs to start shaking up the home department. It’s in dire need of an update.